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Please take the time to read the information below carefully

Ask for help

A little helping paw is here to help pet owners in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve provide the necessary care for their dog or cat. Several conditions must be met to be eligible for this assistance program.


  • The owner of the animal must reside in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve district of Montreal

  • The customer must not already have large outstanding debts

  • The beneficiary must have a low income ($35,000 per year or less)

Quality of life

  • The animal's medical condition must significantly harm its quality of life and/or endanger its life. The illness must be on the list of eligible conditions.

  • The animal must have a life expectancy of at least one year

Distribution of costs

  • The owner must assume one third (33%) of the costs of medical care necessary for the animal

  • The treating veterinary clinic covers 17% of the costs

  • The A little helping paw program provides 50% of approved care

We have created a list of qualifying medical conditions for this program.


Please note that this still does not guarantee that your request will be accepted.


Submit a request

If you are in a precarious financial situation, A little helping paw could help support you by covering a portion of the veterinary care procedures essential to the survival and/or quality of life of your animal. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of members of the veterinary clinic and representatives of the program. Eligibility will be based on the criteria listed above.

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